St Helena Hospice is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 4685. Must be 18 or over to play. Underage gambling is an offence. £2 per entry. Promoter: St Helena Hospice, Myland Hall, Barncroft Close, Highwoods, Colchester, CO4 9JU. Responsible Person: Jill Moore. Registered Charity Number 280919. Registered Office: Myland Hall, Barncroft Close, Highwoods, Colchester, CO4 9JU. All prize winners are automatically notified - no need to claim. Any late entries will be treated as a donation. All proceeds to St Helena Hospice. Full terms & conditions, how proceeds are used 18+ and the likelihood of winning a prize can be found at:
Based on previous years response rates, we project that, £15,546 will be raised from ticket sales in St Helena Ruby Raffle 2025, with a projected 19.17% being spent on prizes, 29.08% on expenses and 51.75% being used to fund the work of St Helena Hospice
Based on the same projected ticket sales, the estimated likelihood of winning a prize will be, 1 in 648.
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